LEO team integrates a multidisciplinary expertise in organic (bio)electronics, nanotechnology, physical chemistry of soft matter, (nano-)biotechnologies, electrical engineering, cell and microbiology. Competences in organic thin films, growth and self-organization phenomena, scanning probe microscopies, unconventional fabrication, organic electronics devices, biosensors, implantable devices, and biomaterials interfaces are present.

There are close interactions with UNIMORE scientists in neurophysiology, immunology, and urology. LEO has established strong collaborations with leading groups in Europe, and is active in industrial research projects.

Students from Biotechnology, Master in Medical and Industrial Biotechnologies, and the PhD Schools of Molecular and Regenerative MedicineNeurosciences and Physics and Nanoscience are trained in LEO laboratories and proactively involved in research. Students from other disciplines and Universities are also welcome to join our lab.